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Is Bamboo really edible?

 - Yes, bamboo is edible. The young shoots of Bamboo plants are commonly used in many Asian cuisine dishes.


How is flour made up of Bamboo?

 - Yes, bamboo is edible. The young shoots of Bamboo plants are commonly used in many Asian cuisine dishes.


Why should one use Bamboo in food?

 - Bamboo is one of the highest natural sources of silica that one needs for a good wellbeing and it also has a lot      of health benefits.


How to make Bamboo Tea?

1. Add 1 cup of water to a saucepan


2. Add 1 tbsp per cup of Bambuttva Green Tea & let it boil for 2-3 mins.


3. Strain the leaves and stir well.


4. Serve hot. Add lemon, honey if desired.


In what items can we use Bamboo flour?

- Bamboo Fiber flour can be used in roti's, chapati's, pizza crusts, waffles, cookies, cakes, bread and more.


How to use Bamboo flour?

- Add 500 gms of Bambuttva Fiber Flour to 10 kgs flour of choice. Mix well and it's ready to use for all your dishes.


Will it affect the taste of my dishes when I use Bamboo flour?

- As our Flour is tasteless, it won't affect any of the dishes you make.


Can the face pack be used for oily skin type?

- Our face pack can be used for all skin types.


Is there any preservative used for Tea?

- We don't use any preservative or chemicals for any of our products. 

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